IRSPSD aims to explore sustainable urban forms within the disciplines of regional and urban planning. Considering the impact of planning policy on spatial planning implementation, we seek to develop bodies of knowledge from original studies and promote critical debates on emerging issues and practice from researchers on an integrated multidisciplinary platform that reflects a variety of perspectives—such as economic development, social equality and equity, and ecological protection— with a holistic view of achieving sustainable urban form.

Expert Perspectives
Yasushi ASAMI [Citation]
Two Concerns for City Information
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Vol. 9(4), 1-8

Two concerns for city information are discussed. The first topic is the big data. Volume of information is increasing and sooner or later a better way to handle information may become necessary, that is to forget wisely. The second topic is the vague data. Casual information we often transmit is vague. A wiser operation to deal with vague data is essential. Both are the frontiers in studying city information.
Newly published issue
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 2021, Vol. 9(4)
Eight papers published in this issue, are contributed from the studies of planning perception on bigdata and city information, livable urban streetscape, personal and socioeconomic perception to COVID19 risk; planning analysis on the choice of urban spaces in COVID-19 era; exploring planning implementation of spatial structure of Cities, the Water-Nutrient-Food Nexus at the regional level; and integrated Approach to evaluate the Urban Growth Patterns, depth Calculation and Connectivity in cities. All these studies across both developed and developing countries including Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Iran and Pakistan.
Herry Santosa, Fauziah Nur, Widisono Adrian [Citation]
Management and Enhancement of Livable Urban Streetscape through the Development of the 3D Spatial Multimedia System, A Case Study of Provincial Street Corridors in Malang, Indonesia
2021 Volume 9 Issue 4 Pages 10-30
https://doi.org/10.14246/irspsd.9.4_10 Download PDF (3174K)
Mehran Alalhesabi [Citation]
Cooperation of ordinary citizens with urban management in the third wave of Covid-19 outbreak in Iran, Based on personal and socioeconomic characteristics of citizens
2021 Volume 9 Issue 4 Pages 31-49
Hee-Jin Oh, Tae-Hyoung Tommy Gim [Citation]
The Choice of Urban Spaces in the COVID-19 Era
2021 Volume 9 Issue 4 Pages 50-66
Pindo Tutuko, Nurhamdoko Bonifacius, Dani Yuniawan, Razqyan Mas Bimatyugra Jati [Citation]
Measuring Spatial Arrangement of Indonesian Colonial Cities using Depth and Connectivity Calculations: Ratio study on master plans using Space Syntax
https://doi.org/10.14246/irspsd.9.4_67 Download PDF (1339K)
Dillip Kumar Das, Innocent Chirisa [Citation]
Exploring the Water-Nutrient-Food Nexus for an African City Region: Linking the Chivero Lake and Harare City Region, Zimbabwe
2021 Volume 9 Issue 4 Pages 82-101
Pindo Tutuko, Nurhamdoko Bonifacius, Dani Yuniawan, Razqyan Mas Bimatyugra Jati, Imam Santoso, Mochamad Rizqi Junianto, Reynold Johan Aleksander Telnoni [Citation]
The Spatial Pattern of a Kampong Area in Malang City using a Space Syntax Approach
Study on Depth Calculation and Connectivity using DepthMapX
2021 Volume 9 Issue 4 Pages 102-115
https://doi.org/10.14246/irspsd.9.4_102 Download PDF (2558K)
Muhammad Ahmad Al-Rashid, Muhammad Nadeem, Adel Shaheen Aldosary, Yong Adilah Shamsul Harumain, Hafiz Syed Hamid Arshad [Citation]
An Integrated Approach to Analysing the Urban Growth Patterns: The Case of Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan
2021 Volume 9 Issue 4 Pages 116-138
https://doi.org/10.14246/irspsd.9.4_116 Download PDF (1464K)

When submitting a manuscript, please select one from the following four sections: A- Planning Strategies and Design
concepts, B-Planning Analysis and Simulation, C- Planning and Design Implementation, and D- Planning Assessment.