Aim and Scope - IRSPSD International

The International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (IRSPSD International) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on the impacts of policy on spatial planning implementation. The journal is a multidisciplinary platform that reflects a variety of perspectives – such as economic development, social equality, and ecological protection – with the ultimate aim to provide insights into sustainable urban forms in the urbanization process.
Articles must be original and are often focused at the scale of local cities and metropolitan areas – anywhere in the world. Articles presenting multidisciplinary viewpoints encompassing land use, housing development, transportation, green design, or agricultural and ecological systems during different planning stages are particularly welcome. The journal’s broad audience includes researchers, policy professionals, government employees and other interested readers.
Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
JIF 1.5 Citescore 2.4 - 2023

Contact information:
Asashi-Plaza Kigugawa 109, KigugawaCho 1-12-8
Kanazawa City, Ishikawa, Japan
Email: spsdpress@gmail.com
